Vishranthi Padmam
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About Vishranthi Padmam
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Vishranthi Padmam is one of the popular residential developments in Adyar, neighborhood of Chennai. It is among the completed projects of its Builder. It has lavish yet thoughtfully designed residences. Project is Ready to move since Nov 2009
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1987. The world was waking up to 3-D video games. The first disposable contact lens was also invented. Back home in Chennai, a different kind of revolution was brewing in the real estate market. Like the other inventions, it would make people see homes in a different light. Ramjee Reddy and Raj Kumar Reddy, a father-son duo set out to make a difference to the real estate market in the city. They were hard-working, efficient, focused and had an eye for the aesthetic. These qualities would not only be reflected in their creations, but would also be imbibed by the company they founded – Vishranthi Homes. In the years that followed, Vishranthi Homes has dotted Chennai’s landscape with homes and commercial buildings, all of which have one thing in common - they are human-centric. It is the family which stays closely-knit - and the community which coexists - that define living spaces, not market trends. Likewise, the future plans of an organization dictate the design and infrastructural aspects of the commercial space, not what the competition does.
About Adyar, Chennai