Both Latitude & Longitude are must. You can try Google search to figure out the map co-ordinates. If not, you can reach out to us with "Apartment Name, Locality, City" and we will try to provide you the co-ordinates if we already have it.
Chances are that there are two or more apartment with same name in 200 meter radius. And there is no way for us to find the right apartment. So, we make sure not to show the review which is better than showing review of wrong apartment.
Yes, we have currently integrated the Review widget in Facebook page for one of the apartment. You can view it here: https://www.facebook.com/VandanaSarovar/app_190322544333196?ref=page_internal . This is just for DEMO purpose ONLY.
Yes, we are very much open to it. Please reach out to us: info@flatgradings.com and we can work out a way to get it done.
Definitely Not. the code is safe and loads asynchronously, so it will not slow down your website.
Yes. You may market or advertise the FlatGradings API integration as long as you adhere to our Terms of Use.
Please write to us about the technical challenges you are facing with the integration to info@flatgradings.com . We shall make sure to respond to your query within 1 Business days. Also, please leave your phone number in the mail so that we can call you back to assist.