ARS Promoters is a professionally managed Company. It is managed by High profiled businessmen, Professionals and Technical Experts under the guidance of eminent promoters. Looking up at the scenario of the industry and with the 12 years in Building Construction Field experience and expertise of Promoters / Directors And the resourcefulness of their contacts, the company is confident of steering itself on a fast track of growth. ARS Promoters has been its steady and growing Real Estate Business, which has spread beyond the Chennai city in Tamil Nadu.. In the light of business needs particularly in construction, the group has created a well knit professional team of Architects, Engineers and other technical as well as non-technical staff to carry out huge construction projects. During the span of more than 12 years, the group has successfully completed several Mega Housing Residential Independed Houses to serve the needs of various kinds of groups, i.e. middle income and high income groups and have catered to their style of living by constructing most moderate to ultra luxurious flats, multi storied residential towers, etc. at affordable prices.