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Acme is a renowned name in construction industry. We specialize in construction of industrial and residential projects at and around Pune. Our registered office is at Warje, Pune . Associate Concerns: The Group consists of three companies 1. ACME CONSTRUCTIONS 2. ACME DEVELOPERS 3. ACME SWAYAMBHU ASSOCIATES All of these firms are being managed by Abhay Desai and ably supported by Bharat Bhujbal, Santosh Dangat, Jaising Dangat & Vipul Zarande. Vision & Mission: As a company ACME focuses on providing the highest quality of Constructions in the best locations and at the most affordable prices. Qualified staffs and our experience of 20 years in this field, we deliver you the best results. We also provide our support even after completion of the project. Social Responsibilities:- To ensure Physical and mental health and safety of workers, we provide good Accommodation with Hygienic drainage Facilities, pure and Portable water supply and electricity. Also for children of labor’s working on site we provide Crèche for the purpose of educating them. We also provide Doctors for labor health checkups every month.
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